About Nicole Wines Livestock

We work hard to make your livestock sale stress free.
Ranching is a way of life for many Montanans. We understand cattle ranching involves long days full of hard work. There are many things to consider when purchasing and raising healthy livestock. Keeping up with what is going on in the livestock market in addition to the daily workload is exhausting.
We believe you should be able to buy and sell with the assurance that your cattle will be delivered as quickly and safely as possible. That is why we ship directly from the cattle’s natural environment to their destination. This reduces cost, shipping and handling time, and unnecessary exposure to stress and health risks.
Nicole Wines
Nicole was born and raised in north central North Dakota on a farm/ranch. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine at North Dakota State University, she moved to Montana.
Nicole now lives in Pray, MT with her husband, Wally. Their daughter, Morgan, and son, Connor, have helped in the business for many years, starting from ages 3 and 4 learning to count calves, to now shipping them. They both continue down the path of agriculture, buying and training horses. Nicole may reside in Pray, but she spends most of her time in central Montana where she first started her cattle brokering business in 1998.

Meet The Team

How It Works
First, reps visit with the seller at the ranch or on the phone to discuss the calves. NWL then offers the calves to a wide range of buyers, finding the best bid, and forward contracting the calves. At shipping time, a NWL rep visits your ranch or weigh scale to weigh calves, sort, and then load onto trucks. NWL collects a commission off of the seller’s gross amount. The seller receives their check on the shipping day, from us and we invoice our buyer for payment. NWL works hard to make this process as easy and least stressful on the rancher and the calves as possible.
Buyers like to work with NWL because we are known for our honesty when sending calves to the feedlots. Buyers do not pay any commission. NWL has been working with the same buyers since starting in the business, and has had many additional buyers throughout the years.